toolip support

My proxies have stopped working

If your proxies have stopped working here are a few things to try!

1. Please make sure your plan hasn't expired or the Bandwidth has been used up.

Depending on the plan you purchased, you either have a time limit on your plan (3 Months typically), or have a certain amount of bandwidth you can use. Once your time limit is up or you use the entire amount of bandwidth you purchased the plan will be expired. You would then have to purchase a new plan. You can view your expiration date or your proxy % usage on your orders panel.

2. Check to see if your authenticated IP has changed. You can follow our basic authentication method here

If you are using more than one machine/computer - Please make sure you authenticate each computer you're using your proxies on.

3. If you are still having trouble after following points 1 & 2, you can reach out to the support team for further assistance.